Showers and May flowers
It continues wet and wonderful around here. I've caught up on some of the weeding in the vegetable garden. We've had lettuce for salad every day and a bowlful of strawberries for lunch earlier this week. The peas haved budded and the potatoes are almost knee-high. I bought seedlings at the hardware store in Emporia: tomatoes, peppers, melons, cukes, squash (if I remember correctly), pumpkin, cabbage, and probably something I'm forgetting. We've also got chard, and I planted bush beans the other day. It rained buckets last night so I'll probably have to wait a day or two before I do anything more. I've got kentucky wonders and fava beans ready to plan and a cover crop of soy beans to fill in the gaps. I've mulched everything with straw to keep back the weeds, so the garden looks quite beautiful in yellow and green when viewed from our new kitchen window.
The cabinets arrived on Monday - they are stunning. Simple, oak. And the appliances are here. We picked out interior colors and Bill has started to work painting. There's lots still to do, but the end is in sight. Bill moved his office out of the bunkhouse and down to the new house (there is a little office for him on the first floor next to his studio). We also bought an antique small round table for the bunkhouse - an improvement over the long folding table we've had in the there for awhile. Yes, it may limit the number of people whe have over for dinner (inside at least) but it gives us what feels like a luxurious amount of room to live in. We've brought in a rocking chair and purchased a little bassinet, which I suppose we'll keep on top of our cedar chest, so baby all should be able to live quite happily in the bunkhouse for a few weeks if we need to. And, yes, the bunkhouse is air conditioned.
The women of Matfield Green threw a shower for me and baby boy McBride on Tuesday evening at the school. It really felt like a high point of my life, in some ways. The kindness and generosity of these women, most of whom didn't know me a bit just a year ago. They each wrote a tip for taking care of a baby on an index card, which Katie and Shelby (our pre-teens) put in a little photo album for me. Kathy D. brought a July calendar and everyone had a chance to predict when the baby will be borh - date and time. We have predictions a early as July 4 (which would be a fun B-day to have) and as late as the 24th. All within the realm of on time, of course. If can have my druthers, I'll take a few days early.
Baby McBride will not lack for attention. He's quite the novelty around here. I don't think there's a little boy born around here in about 10 years, and only two girls in that time.
The cabinets arrived on Monday - they are stunning. Simple, oak. And the appliances are here. We picked out interior colors and Bill has started to work painting. There's lots still to do, but the end is in sight. Bill moved his office out of the bunkhouse and down to the new house (there is a little office for him on the first floor next to his studio). We also bought an antique small round table for the bunkhouse - an improvement over the long folding table we've had in the there for awhile. Yes, it may limit the number of people whe have over for dinner (inside at least) but it gives us what feels like a luxurious amount of room to live in. We've brought in a rocking chair and purchased a little bassinet, which I suppose we'll keep on top of our cedar chest, so baby all should be able to live quite happily in the bunkhouse for a few weeks if we need to. And, yes, the bunkhouse is air conditioned.
The women of Matfield Green threw a shower for me and baby boy McBride on Tuesday evening at the school. It really felt like a high point of my life, in some ways. The kindness and generosity of these women, most of whom didn't know me a bit just a year ago. They each wrote a tip for taking care of a baby on an index card, which Katie and Shelby (our pre-teens) put in a little photo album for me. Kathy D. brought a July calendar and everyone had a chance to predict when the baby will be borh - date and time. We have predictions a early as July 4 (which would be a fun B-day to have) and as late as the 24th. All within the realm of on time, of course. If can have my druthers, I'll take a few days early.
Baby McBride will not lack for attention. He's quite the novelty around here. I don't think there's a little boy born around here in about 10 years, and only two girls in that time.
Julia, I love reading your diary of life in Matfield Green and am so happy to hear you finally had some rain. I can remember driving through the flood between the two towns in the 50's for Henry and Maud's 50th Anniversary. Good luck in the next few months and I can't wait to visit Pioneer Bluffs in the future. Susan(Rogler) Troop
Petals, at 3:35 PM
Susan, the rain has been like a good long drink of water after a hot afternoon in the sun. I'm glad to know you are reading my blog (it's been a bit sparse lately because the out-of-doors is always calling). I really look forward to your next visit! Julia
Julia, at 9:20 AM
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