Above: our compostable compost pile. All the rain and growth means there's no shortage of stuff to throw in it.

Progress on the house. Pat is working on downspouts. Roofers should show up with gutters this week. Countertops are in. We need doors, trim and lighting fixtures. Anticipated date of move in: September.

Above is the happy crowd that showed up for the first workday at Pioneer Bluffs on July 7. Below, Amanda, Kathy and Gary scrape the fence. It is now beautifully white.
Wow! The house is coming along, the compost is working away...now, Julia, how's the other project? My thoughts are with you every day.
Anonymous, at 6:13 PM
Hi aunt Julia!!! This is Dylan. I cant belive i found this!
Hows Luke doing? Say hi to Uncle Bill an Luke if you see this before I come.
We love you!
Anonymous, at 11:08 AM
Hi Aunt Julia Im glad that im coming to see you and Uncle Bill. How is everybody doing? I will be happy to see Luke!
Love, Your Nephew,
Anonymous, at 11:55 AM
Judith, thanks for thinking about us. You'll note that the other project - Luke - is progressing as planned!
Dylan & Jacob, we are counting the hours until you arrive! Love, Aunt Julia
Julia, at 3:18 PM
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