What will you do when you get there?
I met friend Kate at The Grind coffeeshop on Lincoln Avenue one rainy (pouring) afternoon last week. After she'd corralled her umbrella, freed herself from her pullover sweatshirt and settled down in front of her decaf coffee she asked, "So do you know what you'll do when you'll get there?"
Gazing down at the foam of my decaf skim latte, I replied, "Well, first I'll set up my office, and then get the garden going. It's been plowed, but we need find some manure and get someone to till the soil. Then there's the seeding and starting some plants indoors." I'd already shared the news that I'd just signed up for a telecourse with Coach U - to get certified as a coach. "I'll be taking the coaching classes. I have three work trips to DC scheduled in the first 8 weeks, plus one to Chicago and one to Minnesota. And as soon as I'm settled in I'm going to start setting up weekly meetings with contacts in the cities that are within a couple of hours of Matfield Green - Wichita, Salina, Kansas City and Lawrence." Get started with my networking, in other words - Have lunch with people, let them know that here's what I do, and who do you know that might be able to help me get work?
As I described it to Kate it all took shape in my mind as my relocation plan, and with such a plan in place immediately much of my nervousness about the move lifted. All is well! Spring is coming and I have a plan!
I reported this to Bill that evening. He listened, and the next morning he noted that when he thinks about the move he's perhaps happiest about the idea of getting up without a plan, able to do whatever he chooses. But, you, he said, are a planner. He's right. I am. (How wonderful to have a partner to notice who I am and to reflect it back to me in the morning.)
Gazing down at the foam of my decaf skim latte, I replied, "Well, first I'll set up my office, and then get the garden going. It's been plowed, but we need find some manure and get someone to till the soil. Then there's the seeding and starting some plants indoors." I'd already shared the news that I'd just signed up for a telecourse with Coach U - to get certified as a coach. "I'll be taking the coaching classes. I have three work trips to DC scheduled in the first 8 weeks, plus one to Chicago and one to Minnesota. And as soon as I'm settled in I'm going to start setting up weekly meetings with contacts in the cities that are within a couple of hours of Matfield Green - Wichita, Salina, Kansas City and Lawrence." Get started with my networking, in other words - Have lunch with people, let them know that here's what I do, and who do you know that might be able to help me get work?
As I described it to Kate it all took shape in my mind as my relocation plan, and with such a plan in place immediately much of my nervousness about the move lifted. All is well! Spring is coming and I have a plan!
I reported this to Bill that evening. He listened, and the next morning he noted that when he thinks about the move he's perhaps happiest about the idea of getting up without a plan, able to do whatever he chooses. But, you, he said, are a planner. He's right. I am. (How wonderful to have a partner to notice who I am and to reflect it back to me in the morning.)
A kindred spirit! I'm the planner married to a non-planner. There are days when that translates into the question I usually find myself asking~"do you not REALIZE that this is your LIFE? Are you just going to let opportunities pass you by FOREVER????" And I'm not even a Type A personality! ha!
bedbug, at 11:09 PM
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