Matfield Green - Our first years

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I'm loving these days of preparation and transition. Throwing some things away. Other things relegated to the give-away-bag. Taking stock.

By the time this is over either Bill or I will have put our hands on every single thing we own.

The "To Do" list in my Palm Pilot is the shortest it's ever been. My work projects - mainly writing curriculum for upcoming advocacy and leadership classes - require privacy and quiet creativity, no series of accomplishable tasks to list and check off. When it comes to the move, the steps between here and a broom-clean house on closing day are simple. Put one foot in front of the other. Box. Label. Move on to the next room. Wade through this pile. Clean out that drawer. This to the bunkhouse. That to my office. This to storage. Say good by to the clothes and books in that bag - they no longer serve.


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