Matfield Green - Our first years

Friday, September 15, 2006

Morning walk & miscellenea

Pepper and I walked north through the Rogler property, across the river and up toward the prairie this morning. All of the Rogler farm equipment - decades and decades of heavy machinery - is lined up along the road between the beautiful old white house near the highway and the Little Cottonwood River. All equipment and house contents will be auctioned on September 23rd. The land auction is set for October 19. I walk and hope that the new owners will allow me to continue to enjoy the property.

We crossed the river on a raised gravel road that would be impassable if it we'd get a good rain or two. As I strolled along the east bank, Pepper scurried ahead, scaring a big flock of turkeys up into the trees. Her next encounter was with three adolescent coyotes racing just ahead and then darting down the steep bank toward the river and out of sight.

As we retraced our steps back to the bunkhouse, three deer grazed in the bean field just out of the dog's field of vision.

On another subject...My friend Jonathan is on the new season of Survivor. Bill and I went over to Barb & Tom's house last night to watch, since we have not bothered to get cable TV and get no local stations up at the bunkhouse. A strangely compelling show. Jonathan was sent to Exile Island (because he stole a chicken) and the end of the hour. As Jim Worster said, "If there's a Tsunami he's toast." I'll be worrying about him all week. :)

I spent the Wednesday in Kansas City. Lunch with Susi Lulaki and a friend of hers. Checked out a space that would great if I decide to offer workshops or group coaching there. And then a party in the evening for Susi's son's 17th birthday. A house full of boys on the verge of becoming young men. And neighbors (artist, photographers, an architect, somebody's elderly parents recenlty relocated nearby) arriving with pies and fudge. It made me miss my neighborhood and the Riverbank Neighbors' gatherings especially. There is a lot to be missed about urban life.


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